We Are All Attached
You are attached. Each of us has chosen an assortment of attachments that dominate our lives.

J. Krishnamurti inquires into the nature and affects of attachment in this video. Below the video I present some key points for your own inquiry.
You are attached. Each of us has chosen an assortment of attachments that dominate our lives.
Are you aware of your attachments?
Are you aware of the consequences of your attachments?
Two types of attachments are conclusions and beliefs.
In attachment there is always fear, anxiety, suspicion. That fear produces pain. For example, a man is attached to his wife. He fears she might run away; she might look at another man/woman; or she might die. When you are attached there is no love because in any attachment there is fear. Fear is not love, and love cannot be present where there is fear. Can you see this?
The ambitious person is attached (to their ambitions) and has no love. She/He is concerned with their own personal achievement, their gathering of position, power, and prestige. This strong self-interest is not love and has no compassion. Can you see this?
Compassion cannot exist where there is attachment. There is no compassion in religion, in Christianity, in Islam, in Judaism. There is no compassion in being a Democrat or a Republican, a Conservative or a Liberal, a Capitalist or a Socialist. There is in fact intense fear, conflict, and violence associated with all religions and political attachments. Surely you can see the evidence of this?